Being successful in regards to women and dating are based on countless factors that are difficult to quantify. These could include your personality, work ethic, status, personal circumstances, a girl’s circumstances, luck, etc.
Therefore, the Gentlemen’s Game will not be held accountable for any lack of success when it comes to women and dating. In this way, any content that is produced by The Gentlemen’s Game should only be considered as self education. Its value should be based on your own interpretations and how you act on those interpretations. How you internalize The Gentlemen's Game is your own personal responsibility and you will not hold it against The Gentlemen’s Game if your actions or results do not align with your expectations.
Any results or portrayals of success with women can’t be seen as indicative of what you are capable of. The results of anyone shown by the Gentlemen’s Gameplan should not be considered the norm. You should tailor your expectations accordingly.
Refunds may be requested by customers of the Gameplan within 30 days of purchase, provided evidence can be produced that the individual took action on the gameplan video/accelerator program and did not see results. The Gentlemen’s Game reserves the right to deny refunds if it is deemed the customer did not take the necessary actions to execute the gameplan in good faith.
There could be some risks involved in the undertaking of any of the content or products on this site. You will not hold The Gentleman’s Game responsible for any unforeseen circumstances that could put you at any sort of risk. If applicable to your circumstances, you should always check with your doctor or psychologist before utilizing any of the content produced by The Gentlemen’s Game. If applicable to your circumstances, professionals should always be considered in any consumption and execution of any of the products or information that The Gentlemen’s Game produces.
Ultimately, you agree that your relations with women, your worldviews on dating, and your overall social life are your responsibility and you will not hold The Gentlemen’s Game liable for any lack of success that you may personally experience, nor will you hold The Gentlemen’s Game responsible for any unforeseen risks and outcomes that occur in your dating experiences.